// Copyright (c) 2011, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 24 Jun 11 Brian Frank Creation
** FanrRepo models the local environment that we install to and publish from.
** See [docFanr]`docFanr::Concepts#env`.
class FanrEnv
** Constructor for given `sys::Env`
new make(Env env := Env.cur) { this.env = env }
** Env instance we are wrapping
const Env env
** Find a pod by name in local environment and return as PodSpec
PodSpec? find(Str podName)
if (byName.containsKey(podName)) return byName[podName]
file := Env.cur.findPodFile(podName)
spec := file == null ? null : PodSpec.load(file)
byName[podName] = spec
return spec
** Match a set of pods in local environment and return as PodSpecs
PodSpec[] query(Str query)
q := Query.fromStr(query)
// optimize one exact pod name (no wildcards)
if (q.parts.size == 1 && q.parts[0].isNameExact)
spec := find(q.parts[0].namePattern)
return spec == null ? PodSpec[,] : [spec]
// search thru all of them
return queryAll.findAll |p| { q.include(p) }
** Lazily load all installed pods as PodSpecs
once PodSpec[] queryAll()
acc := PodSpec[,]
env.findAllPodNames.each |name|
catch (Err e)
echo("ERROR: Cannot query pod: $name\n $e")
return acc
private Str:PodSpec? byName := [:] // pods loaded by name