// Copyright (c) 2011, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 3 May 11 Brian Frank Creation
** Command implements a top-level command in the fanr command line tool.
** Commands declare their options using the `CommandOpt` facet which
** works similiar to `util::AbstractMain`. If the field is a Bool, then
** the option is treated as a flag option. Otherwise it must be one of
** these types: Str, Uri.
abstract class Command
// Overrides
** Name of command
abstract Str name()
** Short summary of command for usage screen
abstract Str summary()
** Execute command. If there is a failure then throw `err`,
** otherwise the command is assumed to be successful.
abstract Void run()
// Output
** Stdout for printing command output
OutStream out := Env.cur.out
** Log a warning to `out`
Void warn(Str msg)
out.printLine("WARN: $msg")
** Throw an exception which may be used to unwind the stack
** back to main to indicate command failed and return non-zero
Err err(Str msg, Err? cause := null)
return CommandErr(msg, cause)
** Ask for y/n confirmation or skip if '-y' option specified.
Bool confirm(Str msg)
if (skipConfirm) return true
out.print("$msg [y/n]: ").flush
r := Env.cur.in.readLine
return r.lower.startsWith("y")
** Pretty print a pod versions to output stream
internal Void printPodVersion(PodSpec version)
** Pretty print a list of pod versions (of same pod) to output stream
internal Void printPodVersions(PodSpec[] versions)
top := versions.sortr.first
// ensure summary isn't too long
summary := top.summary
if (summary.size > 100) summary = summary[0..100] + "..."
// figure out alignment padding for versions
verPad := 6
versions.each |x| { verPad = verPad.max(x.version.toStr.size) }
// print it
out.printLine(" $summary")
versions.each |x|
// build details as "ts, size"
details := StrBuf()
if (x.ts != null) details.join(x.ts.date.toLocale("DD-MMM-YYYY"), ", ")
if (x.size != null) details.join(x.size.toLocale("B"), ", ")
// print version info line
verStr := x.version.toStr.padr(verPad)
out.printLine(" $verStr ($details)")
// Global Options
** Repository URI -r option
name = "r"
help = "Repository URI for command"
config = "repo"
Uri? repoUri
** Get the repo to use for this command:
** - default is config prop "repo"
** - override with "-r" option
once Repo repo()
if (repoUri == null)
throw err("No repoUri available: use -r or set 'repo' in etc/fanr/config.props")
return Repo.makeForUri(repoUri, username, password)
catch (Err e)
throw err("Cannot init repo: $repoUri", e)
** Get the local environment to use this command
once FanrEnv env() { FanrEnv() }
** Option to dump full stack trace on errors
name = "errTrace"
help = "Dump error stack traces"
Bool errTrace
** Option to skip confirmation (auto yes)
name = "y"
help = "Skip confirmation"
Bool skipConfirm
** Username for authentication
name = "u"
help = "Username for authentication"
config = "username"
Str? username
** Password for authentication
name = "p"
help = "Password for authentication"
config = "password"
Str? password
// Initialization
internal Bool init(Str[] args)
if (!parseArgs(args)) return false
return true
private Void initOptsFromConfig()
optFields.each |field|
val := optDefault(field)
field.set(this, val)
private Obj? optDefault(Field field)
def := field.get(this)
CommandOpt facet := field.facet(CommandOpt#)
if (facet.config != null)
config := Command#.pod.config(facet.config)
if (config != null)
def = parseVal(field.type, config)
catch (Err e)
err("Invalid config value for '$facet.config': $config")
return def
private Bool parseArgs(Str[] toks)
args := argFields
opts := optFields
varArgs := !args.isEmpty && args.last.type.fits(List#)
argi := 0
for (i:=0; i<toks.size; ++i)
tok := toks[i]
Str? next := i+1 < toks.size ? toks[i+1] : null
if (tok.startsWith("-"))
if (parseOpt(opts, tok, next)) ++i
else if (argi < args.size)
if (parseArg(args[argi], tok)) ++argi
warn("Unexpected arg: $tok")
if (argi == args.size) return true
if (argi == args.size-1 && varArgs) return true
// // missing args
out.printLine("Missing arguments")
return false
private Field[] argFields()
Type.of(this).fields.findAll |f| { f.hasFacet(CommandArg#) }
private Field[] optFields()
Type.of(this).fields.findAll |f| { f.hasFacet(CommandOpt#) }
private Bool parseOpt(Field[] opts, Str tok, Str? next)
n := tok[1..-1]
for (i:=0; i<opts.size; ++i)
// if name doesn't match opt or any of its aliases then continue
field := opts[i]
facet := (CommandOpt)field.facet(CommandOpt#)
if (facet.name != n) continue
// if field is a bool we always assume the true value
if (field.type == Bool#)
field.set(this, true)
return false // did not consume next
// check that we have a next value to parse
if (next == null || next.startsWith("-"))
err("Missing value for -$n")
return false // did not consume next
// parse the value to proper type and set field
field.set(this, parseVal(field.type, next))
catch (Err e) err("Cannot parse -$n as $field.type.name: $next")
return true // we *did* consume next
warn("Unknown option -$n")
return false // did not consume next
private Bool parseArg(Field field, Str tok)
isList := field.type.fits(List#)
// if not a list, this is easy
if (!isList)
field.set(this, parseVal(field.type, tok))
return true // increment argi
// if list, then parse list item and add to end of list
of := field.type.params["V"]
val := parseVal(of, tok)
list := field.get(this) as Obj?[]
if (list == null) field.set(this, list = List.make(of, 8))
catch (Err e) err("Cannot parse argument as $field.type.name: $tok")
return !isList // increment argi if not list
private static Obj? parseVal(Type of, Str tok)
of = of.toNonNullable
if (of == Str#) return tok
if (of == File#) return parsePath(tok)
return of.method("fromStr").call(tok)
internal static File parsePath(Str path)
if (path.contains("\\"))
return File.os(path).normalize
return File.make(path.toUri, false)
private Void promptPassword()
// if we have a username, but no password then prompt for it
if (username != null && password == null)
password = Env.cur.promptPassword("Password for '$username'>")
// Usage
** Print usage to given output stream
virtual Void usage(OutStream out := this.out)
// get list of argument and option fields
args := argFields
opts := optFields
// format args/opts into columns
argRows := usagePad(args.map |f| { usageArg(f) })
optRows := usagePad(opts.map |f| { usageOpt(f) })
// format summary line
argSummary := args.join(" ") |field|
CommandArg facet := field.facet(CommandArg#)
s := "<" + facet.name + ">"
if (field.type.fits(List#)) s += "*"
return s
out.printLine(" $summary")
out.printLine(" fanr $name [options] $argSummary")
usagePrint(out, "Arguments:", argRows)
usagePrint(out, "Options:", optRows)
private Str[] usageArg(Field field)
CommandArg facet := field.facet(CommandArg#)
return [facet.name, facet.help]
private Str[] usageOpt(Field field)
CommandOpt facet := field.facet(CommandOpt#)
name := facet.name
def := optDefault(field)
help := facet.help
col1 := "-$name"
if (def != false) col1 += " <$field.type.name>"
col2 := help
if (def != false && def != null) col2 += " (default $def)"
return [col1, col2]
private Str[][] usagePad(Str[][] rows)
if (rows.isEmpty) return rows
Int max := rows.map |row| { row[0].size }.max
pad := 20.min(2 + max)
rows.each |row| { row[0] = row[0].padr(pad) }
return rows
private Void usagePrint(OutStream out, Str title, Str[][] rows)
if (rows.isEmpty) return
rows.each |row| { out.printLine(" ${row[0]} ${row[1]}") }
** CommandErr
** CommandErr is used to unwind the stack back to main
internal const class CommandErr : Err
new make(Str msg, Err? cause) : super(msg, cause) {}
** CommandArg
** Facet for annotating an `Command` argument field.
facet class CommandArg
** Name of the argument
const Str name
** Usage help, should be a single short line summary
const Str help
** CommandOpt
** Facet for annotating an `Command` option field.
facet class CommandOpt
** Name of option to use on command line
const Str name
** Usage help, should be a single short line summary
const Str help
** Property name to use to initialize from fanr config
const Str? config