// Copyright (c) 2009, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 25 Feb 2009 Andy Frank Creation
// 8 Jul 2009 Andy Frank Split webappClient into sys/dom
// 2 Jun 2011 Andy Frank Rename to DomEvent
// 26 Aug 2015 Andy Frank Rename back to Event
using graphics
** Event models the DOM event object.
** Common event types:
** "mousedown" Fired when a mouse button is pressed on an element.
** "mouseup" Fired when a mouse button is released over an element.
** "click" Fired when a mouse button is pressed and released on a
** single element.
** "dblclick" Fired when a mouse button is clicked twice on a single element.
** "mousemove" Fired when a mouse is moved while over an element.
** "mouseover" Fired when mouse is moved onto the element that has the
** listener attached or onto one of its children.
** "mouseout" Fired when mouse is moved off the element that has the
** listener attached or off one of its children.
** "mouseenter" Fired when mouse is moved over the element that has the
** listener attached. Similar to '"mouseover"', it differs in
** that it doesn't bubble and that it isn't sent when the mouse
** is moved from one of its descendants' physical space to its
** own physical space.
** With deep hierarchies, the amount of mouseenter events sent
** can be quite huge and cause significant performance problems.
** In such cases, it is better to listen for "mouseover" events.
** "mouseleave" Fired when mouse is moved off the element that has the
** listener attached. Similar to "mouseout", it differs in that
** it doesn't bubble and that it isn't sent until the pointer
** has moved from its physical space and the one of all its
** descendants.
** With deep hierarchies, the amount of mouseleave events sent
** can be quite huge and cause significant performance problems.
** In such cases, it is better to listen for "mouseout" events.
** "contextmenu" Fired when the right button of the mouse is clicked (before
** the context menu is displayed), or when the context menu key
** is pressed (in which case the context menu is displayed at the
** bottom left of the focused element, unless the element is a
** tree, in which case the context menu is displayed at the
** bottom left of the current row).
** "focus" The focus event is fired when an element has received focus
** "blur" The blur event is fired when an element has lost focus.
** "keydown" Fired when a key is pressed down.
** "keyup" Fired when a key is released.
** "keypress" Fired when a key is pressed down and that key normally
** produces a character value (use "input" instead).
** "input" Fired synchronously when the value of an <input> or
** <textarea> element is changed.
** "dragstart" Fired on an element when a drag is started. The user is
** requesting to drag the element where the dragstart event is
** fired. During this event, a listener would set information
** such as the drag data and image to be associated with the drag.
** This event is not fired when dragging a file into the browser
** from the OS.
** "dragenter" Fired when the mouse enters an element while a drag is
** occurring. A listener for this event should indicate whether
** a drop is allowed over this location. If there are no listeners,
** or the listeners perform no operations, then a drop is not
** allowed by default. This is also the event to listen for in
** order to provide feedback that a drop is allowed, such as
** displaying a highlight or insertion marker.
** "dragover" This event is fired as the mouse is moving over an element
** when a drag is occurring. Much of the time, the operation that
** occurs during a listener will be the same as the "dragenter"
** event.
** "dragleave" This event is fired when the mouse leaves an element while a
** drag is occurring. Listeners should remove any highlighting
** or insertion markers used for drop feedback.
** "drag" This event is fired at the source of the drag and is the element
** where "dragstart" was fired during the drag operation.
** "drop" The drop event is fired on the element where the drop
** occurred at the end of the drag operation. A listener would
** be responsible for retrieving the data being dragged and
** inserting it at the drop location. This event will only fire
** if a drop is desired. It will not fire if the user cancelled
** the drag operation, for example by pressing the Escape key,
** or if the mouse button was released while the mouse was not
** over a valid drop target.
** "dragend" The source of the drag will receive a "dragend" event when the
** drag operation is complete, whether it was successful or not.
** This event is not fired when dragging a file into the browser
** from the OS.
class Event
// Constructors
private new make() {}
** Create a mock `Event` manullay.
@NoDoc static native Event makeMock()
** Create an `Event` instance from a native JavaScript Event object.
@Js static native Event fromNative(Obj event)
** Get the native JavaScript Event object
@Js native Obj toNative()
// Methods
** The type of this event.
native Str type()
** The target to which the event was dispatched.
native Elem target()
** Optional secondary target depending on event type:
** event target relatedTarget
** -------- -------------------- -----------------------------
** blur elem losing focus elem receiving focus (if any)
** focus elem receiving focus elem losing focus (if any)
** focusin elem receiving focus elem losing focus (if any)
** focusout elem losing focus elem receiving focus (if any)
native Elem? relatedTarget()
** The mouse position of this event relative to page.
native Point pagePos()
** Return true if the ALT key was pressed during the event.
native Bool alt()
** Return true if the CTRL key was pressed during the event.
native Bool ctrl()
** Return true if the SHIFT key was pressed during the event.
native Bool shift()
** Return true if the Meta key was pressed during the event. On Macs
** this maps to "command" key. On Windows this maps to "Windows" key.
native Bool meta()
** Mouse button number pressed.
native Int? button()
** Scroll amount for wheel events.
native Point? delta()
** Key instance for key pressed.
native Key? key()
** Character string for key event that represents text typed.
** For example Shift + Key.b would return "B".
native Str? keyChar()
** Err instance if available for 'window.onerror'.
native Err? err()
** Stop further propagation of this event.
native Void stop()
** Get an attribute by name. If not found return
** the specified default value.
@Operator native Obj? get(Str name, Obj? def := null)
** Set an attribute to the given value.
@Operator native Void set(Str name, Obj? val)
** Get or set an attribute.
override Obj? trap(Str name, Obj?[]? args := null)
if (args == null || args.isEmpty) return get(name)
set(name, args.first)
return null
** Data message used with `HttpSocket.onReceive`
native Obj data()
** The DataTransfer object for this event.
native DataTransfer dataTransfer()
** Meta-data for this event instance.
Str:Obj? stash := Str:Obj?[:]
override Str toStr()
"Event { type=$type target=$target pagePos=$pagePos button=$button delta=$delta key=$key" +
" alt=" + (alt ? "T" : "F") +
" ctrl=" + (ctrl ? "T" : "F") +
" shift=" + (shift ? "T" : "F") +
" meta=" + (meta ? "T" : "F") +
" }"