// Copyright (c) 2008, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 10 Dec 08 Andy Frank Creation
using [java] java.lang
using [java] javax.script
** Runner takes a Fantom qname and attempts to run the
** matching JavaScript implemenation.
class Runner
Void main(Str[] args := Env.cur.args)
if (args.size != 1)
echo("Usage: Runner <pod>::<type>.<method>")
// get args
arg := args.first
pod := arg
type := "Main"
method := "main"
// check for type
if (pod.contains("::"))
i := pod.index("::")
type = pod[i+2..-1]
pod = pod[0..i-1]
// check for method
if (type.contains("."))
i := type.index(".")
method = type[i+1..-1]
type = type[0..i-1]
// try to access to verify type.slot exists
p := Pod.find(pod)
t := Type.find("$pod::$type")
m := t.method(method)
// create engine and eval pods
engine := ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("js");
evalPodScript(engine, p)
// invoke target method
jsname := "fan.${t.pod}.${t.name}"
if (m.isStatic)
engine.eval("var obj = new $jsname(); obj.$m.name();")
** Load and eval the pod script file, and all its
** dependenceis in the specifed ScriptEngine.
static Void evalPodScript(ScriptEngine engine, Pod pod)
// eval dependecies
pod.depends.each |Depend d|
script := Pod.find(d.name).file("/${d.name}.js".toUri, false)
if (script != null)
try engine.eval(script.readAllStr)
catch (Err e) throw Err("Pod eval failed: $d.name", e)
// instruct that we are running under JVM
if (d.name == "sys") engine.eval("fan.sys.Env.\$rhino = true;");
// eval given pod
script := pod.file("/${pod.name}.js".toUri, false)
if (script == null) throw Err("No script found in $pod.name")
try engine.eval(script.readAllStr);
catch (Err e) throw Err("Pod eval failed: $pod.name", e)