// Copyright (c) 2009, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 9 Jul 09 Andy Frank Creation
using compiler
** JsField
class JsField : JsSlot
new make(JsCompilerSupport s, FieldDef f) : super(s, f)
this.ftype = JsTypeRef(s, f.fieldType, f.loc)
override FieldDef? node() { super.node }
override Void write(JsWriter out)
if (!isNative)
defVal := "null"
if (!ftype.isNullable)
switch (ftype.qname)
case "fan.sys.Bool": defVal = "false"
case "fan.sys.Decimal": defVal = "fan.sys.Decimal.make(0)"
case "fan.sys.Float": defVal = "fan.sys.Float.make(0)"
case "fan.sys.Int": defVal = "0"
out.w(parent, loc)
if (!isStatic) out.w(".prototype")
out.w(".m_$name = $defVal;", loc).nl
JsTypeRef ftype // field type
** JsFieldRef
** JsFieldRef
class JsFieldRef : JsSlotRef
new make(JsCompilerSupport s, CField f) : super(s, f) {}