// Copyright (c) 2010, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   13 May 10  Andy Frank  Creation

using compiler

** JsCompilerSupport provides support for JavaScript compiler pipeline.
class JsCompilerSupport : CompilerSupport
  ** Constructor.
  new make(CompilerSupport s) : super(s.compiler)
    this.suppressErr = s.suppressErr
    this.podClosures = JsPodClosures(this)

  ** The name of the 'this' var.
  Str thisName := "this"

  ** Return a unique identifier name.
  Str unique()
    s := "\$_u$id"
    return s
  private Int id := 0

  Bool forceJs() { compiler.input.forceJs }

  Str:JsTypeRef typeRef := Str:JsTypeRef[:]  // typeRef map

  JsPodClosures podClosures // JsPod