// Copyright (c) 2009, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 26 Jul 09 Andy Frank Creation
** Dump the JavaScript source for a pod.
class Dump
Void main(Str[] args := Env.cur.args)
if (args.size == 0)
pod := args.first
line := args.size > 1 ? args[1].toInt : null
cx := args.size > 2 ? args[2].toInt : 4
Pod.find(pod).file(`/${pod}.js`).readAllLines.each |s,i|
// if lineNum specific print out a few lines before/after for context
if (line != null && (line-i).abs > cx) return
echo("${(i+1).toStr.padl(4)}: $s")
Void help()
echo("compilerJs Dump Utility");
echo(" dump <pod> [line] [context]");
echo(" line dump a specific line number");
echo(" context number of lines to print around [line]; defaults to 4");